Al Nashshash, Bethlehem, Etzion DCL, Nabi Yunis, Wed 1.4.09, Morning

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Drora, Rachel (both reporting), Yoske (driving and assisting)

6:40 AM, Bethehem - Checkpoint 300:  five stations are open. Almost no one in line. Everyone is full of smiles. At 6:55 Martin, an Ecumenical, comes to speak to us. He tells us that there were more people in line than usual. But he has no idea why everything went so smoothly this morning. He notes a problem in the humanitarian line because of the turn style. It allows two to enter at once which can make for crowding. We noted more women coming through than we usually see.


7:10  AM, Al Nashshash:   one man asks for help in getting a magnetic card for his brother.


7:45 AM, Etzion DCL:  ten men wait to enter the DCO, which opened exactly at 8:00am.


8:15 AM, Nabi Yunis:   no one approaches us for help.