'Anata, Qalandiya, Mon 15.6.09, Morning

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Judy O. Maya B.

6:30  we  decide to check  on  Anata  where  we  have not been for  a  while.
The  traffic is  chaotic  as ever,  NO  side walk  or  path for  the children to get  to the  buses  in the  parking  lot  that  takes them to school...The  danger  of  being hit  is  enormous.  We  weed our way to the  C.P.  We  meet  the  nice boy  who is   the head  of  the  neighbourhood  council of  Anata,  who  always is  nice  and  smiles  and  this  time  reported  that  the  conditions  at  the  CP  were  very  tough  and  that  the  Military Police  is  now  handling  the  checking  with  a heavy hand  and  occasional  brutality  When  we  were  there  all the  going  through  was  smooth. 
The  construction of  another terminal  and  the wall is in full  power.
We  contimue  to  Qalandiya.  The  lines  by  now  are  small  and  the  going through  reasonable.  We  were still struck by the  lack of  concern  of  the  soldier  girls.  They  take their time, they talk on the  phone,  the people  can wait.....regardless of their  condition   age or  gendre   etc.
Will this  ever change?