Beit Furik, Haris, Huwwara, Za'tara (Tapuah), Tue 27.11.12, Morning

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Nathalie Cohen, Neomi Benzur (reporting) Nadim in the vehicle.


09:30 Departure from the train station of Rosh Ha-Ayin.


10:00 Arrival at Hares. Neomi remains at Hares for the English lesson for a group of women. After about three months (Ramadan, holidays, olive picking, house destruction) the studying is resumed. The results of long recess are felt and it is necessary to go back – to the material which has already been taught. But the wish to study and the readiness to make efforts and to invest efforts remained as before. This time the women have difficulties in seeing the printed material. Almost all of them suffer from red and tearful eyes, the result of the quantities of tear gas they absorbed during the destruction of the houses. Some women have already received medical assistance from Doctors for Human Rights who worked in the village last Tuesday.


Parellely to the English lesson Nathalie goes on a tour with Nadim.


The tour: Departure at 10:00 from Hares to Kif-el-Hares. The village is quiet. Most shops are open.There are few local vehicles on the streets.


From there to Kiri – Zeita, Jamain, Inabus. In all these villages the same picture is repeated. Quiet in the street, no presence of military vehicles.


10:50 Huwwara. A military jeep parks on the main road, with two soldiers in it.

At the Checkpoint itself there is no military presence. A soldier in the watch tower observes the two hitch hike stations: one in the direction of Huwwara and the second in the direction of the Beraha settlement. At the bus station leading to Bereha there is an armed soldier. It is not clear whether he is on duty - guarding the settlers, (especially the women settlers) at the station, or whether he is waiting for the bus just like them.


11:00 Beit Furiq. The Checkpoint is not manned. There is not military presence in the vicinity.


11:20 – Za'atara. One can see a few soldiers on the watch tower.


All the length of the circuit there is not presence of military vehicles. The civilian traffic flows without any incidents.


11:45 We drive from the Tapuah junction to Hares.


12:15 Bach to Rosh Ha'Ayin.


All in all a tour of 6 villages and three checkpoints. A quiet morning, for a change.