Etzion DCL, Tue 26.2.13, Afternoon

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Yael L.-J., Avital F. (driving), Chana S. (reporting)


Etzion DCL:               

14.50.-16.00: When we arrived, the three cars in the parking lot included an official P.A. (Palestinian Authority) car which departed soon thereafter.

On the waiting-room notice board, the notice showing which days are appointed for villagers of each area to apply for magnetic cards, was no longer there. On the other hand, there is now an electronic notice board attached to the wall, but not yet functioning.


There was a notice telling a villager to register his land within 45 days. One wonders what will happen to this land if he does not manage to do so, and hope that this is not the only warning!


There was a constant stream of people applying for permits, mostly successfully.

One young man accompanied his mother who came for a permit to allow her to enter Jerusalem to look for work. While she was inside, he told us he was refused by both Police and Security – so we gave him both Sylvia’s and Chaya’s  phone numbers. He said that 2 months ago he was refused a permit to enter Jerusalem to a hospital for an operation, because of his status – but doesn’t seem to have appealed – and has continued working since then. Then his mother came out, having been told that she must apply to the Palestinian Authority.