Dura-Al Fawwar Junction, Sansana (Meitar Crossing), South Hebron Hills

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Yael Agmon (reporting); Translator: Charles K.




Meitar checkpointHundreds of laborers wait for rides on the Israeli side, dozens of vehicles also waiting – workers and employers at a job market.


South Hebron hills

Dura al-Fawwar.  All the greenhouses that collapsed in the winter snow have been repaired and already contain new crops.


A flying checkpoint at Dura al-Fawwar junction; three soldiers, no detaineesinfo-icon.


The balloon is in place above Beit Haggai.


The southern entrance to Hebron is open, with no soldiers.


06:52  We meet a military vehicle on Highway 60, the first today, and almost the last.


06:57  Near Zif, girls walking along the road to school.


07:06  Tuwanni – the school gatesinfo-icon are already open.


07:40  The military vehicle arrives to escort the children to school.


07:55  The first children enter the village.