'Awarta, Beit Furik, Huwwara

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Esti V., Nava A., Translating: Louise L.


Routine. Army vehicles appear along the roads but not at the checkpoints.

07:45 Oranit: We arrived at gate 1447/1448 the moment the soldiers opened it. People started crossing, five at the time. First, the workers were checked near the fence and then they had to wait for the military police to type their ID no. on the tablet.  Cars and wagons were crossing too.

Most of the time, we didn't hear any complaints. Some people stopped next to us asking to open the upper gate close to the square in Oranit.  They said that the uphill walk from the open gate to their fields is long.

On the way, we noticed that a concertina fence separates between the patrol road and the regular fence enclosing fields and orchards. There are only a few gatesinfo-icon through which the farmers can reach their land.

Gate Shomron: The traffic was flowing.

08:45 Za'atra, Tapuah: Soldiers were posted at the check post, but the traffic was flowing. On the side of the road leading to Ramallah there was a new memorial monument.

In Awarta there were some army vehicles.

Yitzhar/Burin:  No checking was performed. There were many soldiers in the square opposite the regiment, probably new soldiers taking over.

Awarta:  As usual, the yellow barrier blocked the way to Nablus, but in the direction of the village and the DCO the road was open.

There were no army patrols on Madison Road, neither opposite Itamar.

09:15  Beit Furik:  Soldiers were posted on the watchtower but not on the road.

09:20  Hawara checkpoint:  Nobody was posted at the checkpoint. Some soldiers were standing behind concrete barriers in the middle of the road.

09:30  Za'atra/Tapuah: Soldiers were posted at the checkpoint but the traffic was flowing.

Gate Shomron: The traffic was flowing.