'Anabta, Ar-Ras, Jubara (Kafriat), Qalqiliya, Mon 31.12.07, Afternoon

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Observers: Bil'ha A., Yona A. (reporting), Translation: Galia S.




13:50 – A soldier is sitting in the watch tower. Two soldiers are at the checkpoint located on the road that leads from Tulkarm to Qalqiliya and another soldier is inside a tent, eating. He offers us an orange.


Few vehicles from the direction of Tulkarm pass without delays.


The Schoolchildren's Gate (Gate 753)


13:50 – Five young men are asked to step aside and wait until their documents are checked. They wish to pass through the gate and head for Tulkarm. Within minutes the answer arrives and the young men are released.


A small truck loaded with cases of eggs stands on the roadside. Three Palestinians are standing next to it. According to the soldiers, one of them is wanted but the other two are allowed to pass. Still, they are waiting for the third to be released.




14:15 – Two soldiers at the southern checkpoint let the cars heading Tulkarm pass. Another two soldiers at the northern checkpoint let the cars coming from Tulkarm pass. Once in a while, drivers are asked to show documents. In both directions there are no lines.