Bethlehem, Etzion DCL, Sun 23.12.07, Afternoon

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Shlomit S. and Yael S. (reporting)

DCL Ezyon, Rachel’s Crossing


The DCL have now returned to their ‘coordination days’ with the Palestinian side, since most of the permits pass directly to the Palestinian representatives.

Magnetic cards were issued to who ever came for them. We could not figure out how the line was organized, however it seemed to be moving smoothly.

After noon – around 2pm, there is almost no one at the DCL.

An evening before the Christian holiday and there is no one at the DCL. The permits are given through the churches and the coordination is done by the Palestinians. Some permits are for a month and include staying overnight.

Police – there will be no police at the DCL in the next few weeks.

There was nothing to do at the DCL so we went to Beit Omer, where we heard there had been some trouble lately – kids were throwing stones again and the army shot someone in the foot. Now the stores are open and the routine is resumed.

Rachel’s Crossing 4:00pm

There is a long line of people returning from work, winding all the way to the road. All possible posts (five in total) are open, and the private security guard is controlling the lines. The stress is affecting his behavior. He commands the Palestinians to approach which ever window and reacts with “where did I tell you to stand?” and other comments when there isn’t total compliance. The line is moving as fast as possible, everyone is doing their job: the guard is organizing, the soldiers (men and women) are checking the permits and the Palestinians are standing in two lines.

There are also about twenty Palestinians wishing to enter Jerusalem, they are checked and are sent out of the compound. Children entering are asked where are the adults in charge and are sent outside – there is no room inside. 


In all this mess we are being treated with respect and patience. 


Why can there not be seven more computers and more soldiers?