Etzion DCL, Mon 28.4.08, Morning

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Haya A., Ada G. (reporting)

Translating: Charles

CP 300, Road 60, Beit 'Inun, Etzion DCL

7:00 CP300: The lines are short and moving smoothly. People report that it took them an hour to cross the Check Point. Someone with a work permit said he was rejected – the work permit is for Atarot and he was told to cross at Calandia. A few minutes later, the man passes through anyway.

07:50 Etzion DCL: People are waiting for the DCL to open. Approx. 30 people are waiting for magnetic cards.

08:00 Beit Omer: A short wait.

08:30 Beit 'Inun: Frustrating as usual. A military jeep is positioned on road 60 which runs through the town and soldiers are checking people’s papers.

09:00 Nebi Yunes: No one was waiting for us, so we returned to Etzion DCL.

09:30 Etzion DCL: In the waiting room around 50 people are waiting to enter. They all need magnetic cards. There was a list with 90 names, and nothing is moving. A soldier is explaining in length that it is better not to wait because not everyone can be seen today, so some better return tomorrow. A Palestinian explains that some have already been there yesterday, and today is their second time. The soldier gives up, but requests that they wait quietly and not crowd the carousel gatesinfo-icon. They sit quietly with little hope and wait. A man approached us, his working permit has been taken away two weeks ago in Tarkumia and now he is restricted by the General Security Service (GSS) and he does not understand why and how. At 09:50 someone came out with a magnetic card, and at 10:05 a second man came out that received a magnetic card and said that the computers broke down.

At 10:15 a third man exited with a magnetic card and said that only one station works and the others are not operating. 10:20 – another man exited, he was denied a card and was summoned by the GSS. At this pace not all the people will be able to be seen.

Two young men asked for our help: their sister is dying in Shaarey Tsedek hospital, they have a letter from the doctor and they wish to say goodbye. Seven family members received permits to go visit her, but these two young men are GSS restricted and cannot get a permit. We contacted Hanna in Ramat Gan, and she made use of her special connections and abilities. After a few hours the people called to tell us they got the permit and can go visit their sister! Thank you Hanna. We also met a smiling Palestinian – his security denial has been lifted. Thank you Silvia.

For dessert we drove a short distance on ‘Liberman’ road. On Passover holiday vacation there was traffic on the road, traveling to the Herodion. Today we counted five Palestinian cars and five Israeli cars.