Ezion DCL: Now there are no toilets at all

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Natanya g. Ora A Shlomit S

10:30 a.m.

The waiting hall was empty. Some people arrived and were led in immediately.

A young man turned to us and said his daughter has been in treatment for ten years at Saint John Hospital in Jerusalem. He wishes to accompany her to her appointments at the hospital but cannot obtain a entry-permit into Israel. He has been blacklisted for years now and has no idea why. We advised him to apply for a permit ten days before the next date, to enable the GSS to check his application. We gave him and another blacklisted person general instructions for lifting them out of the blacklist.

A young man approached us, seeming dazed. He said that for about five years he was working for a contractor who builds and sells apartment buildings. A tenant in one of the buildings bought a storeroom from the contractor but took over two storerooms. The contractor instructed his two workers – a Palestinian and an Arab citizen of Israel – to break into the storeroom that was overtaken by the tenant, and change the lock. Before they did this, the Palestinian called the man to inform him that if he would like – he could take out his things before they lock them anew. The man said: “No problem, do what you were told to do!” But after a short while, the police took him in for questioning after which he discovered he was blacklisted and cannot come to work any more. Luckily, he has recordings of the phone calls with the owner, including the one telling him to break into the storeroom. The police took the recordings and although it heard the instruction, blacklisted him so he cannot enter Israel. The owner said he would take care of the matter but in the meantime he has done nothing, and the dazed young man has no work. We directed him both to a lawyer and to Hanna Barag.

Half a year after the toilets next to the waiting hall had been closed, they were fixed and opened. But today we discovered to our amazement that they were – gone. The entire structure has been removed. See photo.