The cave village Miqtal al Salalm

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Raya Y. Translator:  Charles

We went through the Meitar checkpoint and for the first time visited the village of Miqtal al Salam. It sits on the ridge to the left of the road about one kilometer past the checkpoint. The landscape is breathtaking, especially at this time of year.  Two families live here the year round.

We met women from both families.  They tell us that during the day their household activities take place outside.  They sleep in the cave at night because Palestinians are forbidden to build in Area C.

A year ago the military came to the village.  They left a demolition order in Arabic and Hebrew. The families are being helped by an attorney dealing with the order vis-à-vis the administration, but they have no idea what’s happening and what the future holds. The younger children live with their grandmother in nearby Samu’a during the week, where they attend school. All seven children from both families return here on weekends and during vacation. They live in their temporary huts. The women were surprised to receive visitors who asked how they were doing, and thanked us for our interest and for our visit.

They make a living from grazing, and also farm their land in the valley below.

Mira Balaban adds:

In addition to Raya’s description of the lives of the families who live in the caves, I want to mention the chilling statement by one of the Palestinians from a village beyond Tuwani, in the hills (I forgot its name), whose residents had also been expelled and then decided to return and live in the caves.  He said, “You don’t allow us to live on our land, so we’ll live under it.” 

There’s nothing more to say.