A REQUEST TO HELP hungry A-Sawiya villagers

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Telephone call to Ana S. (reporting)

May 4, 2020

A REQUEST TO HELP hungry A-Sawiya villagers.

COVID-19. Fortunately, there are no sick people in the village, but the Corona pandemic has a serious impact on village life. People who have returned from work in Israel are currently in quarantine. Worse, many have lost their jobs and are now penniless; They cannot feed their families.

B. who remembers our last meeting in January 2019, called me and asked if we Machsom Watch women could donate money to help feed ten penniless families, or alternatively donate basic food.

Expropriation of Palestinian land: Another attempt

RECHELIM settlers return to occupy privately owned land of the villagers. About six months ago, settlers found a simple way to steal more land. They set up tents on land, which was declared a "military zone," even though it was owned by the villagers, and just moved there. Tomorrow the Palestinian DCO will gather and try to clear those lands. Let's hope he succeeds.

May 6, 2020

Telephone Conversation with S.       

To complement and confirm the information above, I called S., who is a secretary and treasurer in the Medjadels of that village. Our team of four visit him often.

According to our impression and Mustafa’s, S. is a reliable, humble, honest man. Yesterday, he said, settlers from near Rechelim didn’t allow several villagers to enter their own lands; but today, the IDF came and restored order so these farmers could again work their lands.

After Pesach, according to S., over 100 villagers returned to work in Israel. They must stay in Israel for two months. Separation from their families is difficult for them and their families.          However, many people, who worked in settlements up to the Corona, are now unemployed.

“The situation is difficult,” he says, and without asking for our help, adds proudly “but we are together.”

I asked: “Do you mean, you help each other?”

“Yes, we all help, and others from the outside also help. They give money to buy food.”

“If we get some money, where should we send it to?” I asked. You can send money to The Bank of Palestine. “Don’t send food,” he says, “it is not allowed.