Barta'a-Reihan, Tura-Shaked

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Tsafrira Z. and Neta G. (reporter). Marcia L., Translation


15:30 – Tura-Shaked Checkpoint

It’s quiet, empty, and filthy. A car with an Israeli license plate waits next to the checkpoint, we don’t know for whom, or why. The driver is not in the car and there is no one to ask. Two Palestinian cars arrive from the Seamline Zone to the West Bank.

15:50 – Barta’a-Reihan Checkpoint

Actually, we almost canceled this observation after some snag, but we scheduled a meeting with G. and didn’t want to disappoint him. His son is ill and requires complicated treatment every week. He needs a car to transport his son for this treatment, but his car was confiscated, and a guarantee is demanded in order to release it. It turns out that the guarantee has been collected by mistake, but not yet been returned and the father needs financial help. We brought him a sum of money that our friend, M., collected for him and, well as a bundle of clothes and toys.

On the Seamline Zone side, workers disembark from transport vehicles and go down the long sleeveinfo-icon (covered walkway) to the terminal and the turnstile by the side. We travel to the Palestinian side of the checkpoint. It seems to us that we have never seen such a large number of parked cars.

G. phones and says he will arrive in a few minutes. He advises us to park at the end of a long line of cars by the side of the road, next to the private parking lots. We park there and he arrives with a friend. He was happy to receive what we brought and quickly went to the clinic where he left his son to await treatment.

16:20 – Junction of East Barta’a

A long line of stalls, as in a shuk, is stretching out there, following the massive passage of Palestinians on the way to the separation fence near the junction. But today, we didn’t see any sign of this passage; no workers wait on the road for rides and there are no military vehicles. We bought some vegetables and fruit and went home. Our friend who joined us on a shift a few weeks ago bought tomatoes there and said they lasted two weeks on the counter, without getting soft.