Sansana (Meitar Crossing), South Hebron Hills

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Muhammad and Ariela (photographing); Translator: Natanya
החמורים מגיעים לכל מקום
צינורות מים מונחים על צמיגים
בגן הודא

At the Meitar checkpoint, everything is as usual, parking is full and traffic is flowing.

We left with a car loaded with clothes collected at the Sha’ar Ha’amakim on the way to Huda’s kindergaren.

The road is beautiful. After the rain falls, green  patches of grass show in the the slopes of the ground and the plowed furrows and the sheep go out to pasture. There is no piece of land that is not.used, the donkeys reach every where.

On the way to Umm Daraj we stopped at the A-Tuwani grocery store to buy the children in the kindergarten some sweets, drinks and notebooks. The owner of the grocery store told us that demolition orders had arrived in A-tuwani and while we were talking, he received pictures of jeeps of the Civil Administrationinfo-icon that had arrived at the scene.

On the way to Umm Daraj we see a water pipe lying on the ground on tires, a new use I have not seen before. They are usually on tin roofs to keep them from flying in the wind. Compared to this pipeline, work has been going on for several months on laying water lines for settlements. Of course this is wider piping and dug into the ground and inaccessible to any person.

In Huda's kindergarden we were received with much pleasure. The educational activity was already over and the children were busy opening packages of clothes and toys that came to them. Some of the children were also kindergarten graduates. Apparently the garden has become a clothing distribution center.

On the way back we passed through the settlement of Carmel and Umm al Kheir. The comparison between the red roofs with solar water heaters versus the tin and stone roofs that keep them from the wind, and the water heaters, screams to the sky. This is because there is no plumbing that reaches the houses.