Etzion DCL

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Shlomit S. Ora A.  Translation: Naomi Gal

 We haven’t seen such a sight for a very long time: dozens of people (40 - 50) were waiting in the waiting room. They came to get or renew magnetic cards but were not admitted at once. The pace of admittance was painfully slow. To our surprise, the soldier in the window had a pleasant conversation with us and promised that all those who arrive till 5 will be admitted. If Indeed he’ll do it, it would be a welcome change. In previous years, even those who arrived at four were not admitted and the place was closed before five.

Three GSS prevented (from entering Israel) turned to us. The permit of one of them was still valid, but he was told he is prevented. We gave them the well-known advice: contact the “Writer for forgiveness’ applications” from Hebron, who does it artfully and maintains contact with Sylvia. One of them said that he works in Dubai ten years already. During his previous visit he applied to enter Israel for medical reasons but his application was rejected because he is GSS prevented. A babyinfo-icon born with a heart defect underwent surgery at a hospital in Bethlehem and died. He said he did not try to hospitalize and operate him in a hospital in Israel because he did not believe that he’ll be granted a permit to enter Israel because of the prevention.

 In the waiting room, on the noticeboard were messages are being displayed we saw a new message about a plan for a new neighborhood in Nokdim, the seat of minister Lieberman. We photographed it and sent to Hagit Ofran from Peace Now, who handles matters of land.