South Hebron Hills: Abu Safi and his family left everything following settlers' threats

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Muhammad's phone conversation with Abu Safi

The conversation takes place when Abu Safi and his family are already at his son's house in Samu.

Abu Safi says: Settlers came in uniform. The were masked, so he couldn’t identify them. They beat him, pushed him, and hit him in the face with their weapons. His sons were  visiting with him in the family cave house. The settlers also beat them, and tied their hands behind their backs. The settlers demanded that they leave their territory by the next day. Otherwise, they threatened, they will be killed! They threatened to blow up the house with them in it.

Now they are in Samu. There is no room for sheep, so they sold the whole flock. Abu Safi had donkeys of a special and expensive kind. But they got loose and he doesn't know where they are. Maybe the settlers scattered them everywhere.

His health isn’t great, and neither is the economic situation. But Abu Safi still plans to return and build the house on his family property! -- hopelessly optimistic.


Reminder: Abu Safi, 78 years old,

 He lived on his property in Wadi Radim, southwest of the Asa׳el settlement, which was recently made legal by the government, between Israel Kaplan's Mikneh Yehuda sheep farm, and Meitarim Farm. We have attached photos from the past. Now, most of this residence and the well groomed grounds around it no longer exist.


ואדי רד'ים - אבו סאפי ונכדו
ואדי רדים - אצל אבו סאפי