Sansana (Meitar Crossing), South Hebron Hills, Susiya

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Muhammad and Ariela (reporting and photographing); Translator: Natanya
שטיחים לאבו סאפי
פרחי עזאם חזרו לפרוח

This is the last day of the  operation whose name I have already forgotten. According to Muhammad, on that day more workers went to work in Israel than on the other days of the operation. To my surprise, the parking on the Palestinian side was indeed relatively full. He said Palestinians were more afraid of harassment by racist extremists than of missiles.

We saw an army presence along the separation fence.

When we left Lahavim, Muhammad, with his sharp eyes, saw carpets thrown out  on the sidewalk and stopped to pick them up to bring them to Abu Safi. Since we were in a vehicle that was not suitable for driving to the house of Abu Safi who lives in a cave, we left the carpets for him next to a power pole that carries electricity to the settlements. Not a minute passed from the time that we had stopped and a security car stopped next to us, two people in uniform inside photographed us and asked to know what we were doing there.

Muhammad inquired later and the rugs did reach their destination.

Israel Kaplan's farm is expanding. I guess he does not have to  travel twice a week to fetch water in containers as the Palestinians have to

We went to Susiya to visit Azzam whom I had not seen for a long time. He started working in Israel because apparently his livelihood in Susiya was severely damaged. Now he says he will not return to work in Israel. He told us that one day while working in the Modiin area, a couple of Israelis passed by and looked at the Palestinian workers in a very unpleasant way .On their way back, Azzam who listened to them, heard them say, "How disgusting they are but how well they work." This statement and the police who came to check them several times were enough for Azzam and he decided not to return to work in Israel.

Maybe that's why the flowers in his pots where blooming.

At Azzam we met Ariela  and Ehud from The Villages Group who were on their way to visit Harun Abu Aram at the hospital in Hebron. (From this visit until the writing of this report, he was taken to the rehabilitaion hospital Reut in Tel Aviv and donations are needed to pay for this). On the way back under Asael stood an armored police car.

.And at the Meitar checkpoint, the stench as usual