Sansana - sewage is flowing freely

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Raya Y. Translator: Natanya
סנסנה (מחסום מיתר) - ותעל צחנתו - בריכה מזוהמת הצמודה למחסום

At the Meitar checkpoint, we meet with Palestinian workers who are complaining this time about a horrible smell coming from the sewer - a polluted pool next to the checkpoint. Musa wants to do something about the stench that remains in the air all the time.

Today in the square next to the checkpoint there are both a police vehicle and a military vehicle. Is this in case something happens?

On Road 317 we met Nasser Adara from At-Tuwani, who reports to us that in recent days soldiers have been searching their homes. In addition, on Saturday night the settlers from the Maon farm cut down trees inside the village.

At the Zif junction, Nabil from the grocery store tells us that both in the morning and in the evening a checkpoint is set up at the entrance to Yatta.