Sansana (Meitar Crossing), South Hebron Hills

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Muhammad and Daphna; Translator: Natanya
שטח מגודר באדמת עאמר

Sunday, the Meitar checkpoint is very busy.

We drove on road 317 to Maktal Umm Salem and visited Amer's family,who live alone, parents and 4 small children, in the cave, after 2 tents were taken from them !!! In which they lived, with the sheep, from which they make a living. The misery of their living conditions, heartbreaking ...

From there we drove to Amer Alaubli in Wadi Radim. The attached photo shows a fenced area with poles with vine seedlings. This is the territory of Amer, but the fencing and planting belongs to the settler Israel, who lives on the hill nearby, an illegal outpost, of course ....

We continued to Abu Safi, also in Wadi Radim.  He  was not there , but his wife said that settlers had  arrived in their area in the morning, came up the hill, and left without harm ....

These are more, from the life of the Palestinians under military rule.