Dura-Al Fawwar Junction, Sansana (Meitar Crossing), South Hebron Hills

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Lea; Translator: Natanya

We dedicate the shift to the blessed memory of the late MK Said al-Harumi.

1. The Meitar crossing  is now larger than Tarkumiya in terms of the number of workers passing through it. Parking extends along Route 60 east, and also north.

2. At intersections there are more soldiers than usual: at the entrance to Samo', an IDF vehicle and a mobile checkpoint. Also at the entrance to Dahariya. Also at the entrance to al-Fawwar. And next to Deir Razih, there is a post at the entrance and also soldiers in a pillbox on the hill.

3. We turn in the direction of Khursa. On the road, settlers pass too and fro , probably from Negohot, without fear.

We stop for coffee at Tawfiq Shahtit. He studied Islamic religion at the University of Hebron but decided that earning a living from teaching was not worth it. That is why he worked for years in Israel in construction, hence his good Hebrew. So he saved for the wedding, also for the purchase of a plot of land, also for the construction of the house and the establishment of his hardware store - settlers also buy from him. He has a permit to enter Israel as a trader, because he is over 55 and also vaccinated twice.

5. He draws our attention to a group of soldiers on the steps in front of a store opposite, of course without being aware  that their presence deters potential customers. They say they are  just walking around town. We exchange experiences on the use of the phrase "shufuni", look at me, as a cynical critique of arrogant and lordly and degrading behavior, both in Palestine and in spoken Hebrew.

6. I ask about the water tower on the horizon opposite, to the south. This is the water which is supplied by the Palestinian Authority. The water flows to the neighborhoods in turn, once every day. The water is not expensive (5-7 shekels per cubic meter) but is never enough, so it affects the economy - reducing grazing and agriculture. As for household consumption, when there is running water, each family fills the tank on the roof and if the family has a well  then they fill that too.

7. We continue west. To the left at the entrance to Negohot Farm there is no longer a sign with the name of the farm, but there is a yellow vehicle barrier.

8. We pass Beit 'Awwa on the right and decide to try to enter Israel through the Negohot crossing. The soldier hears that I am from Yeruham and making  a detour through Negohot and does not demand a certificate.  But M. has to identify himself. The sergeant also goes down to check. He consults with the communication device  (M. says that the one who determines is the security commander of Negohot. A settler decides for the army and not the other way around). We are allowed to go on our way.

9. Back south on Road 458. To the right of the settlement of Neta, evacuees from Gush Katif who refused the name first assigned to them, Mirsham, like the name of the Palestinian village nearby, Beit Mirsam. They chose their own name, Neta. M. He says that this there is a large site of abandoned caves which were used as homes  until the people moved to Dura

10. We turn east onto Sansana Road which connects to Road 60 south of the Meitar Pass. The road winds through the pine forests that mark the Israeli territory of the Green Line, the settlement itself north of the road across the Green Line, was annexed to Israel like Beit Yatir.