Bethlehem, Etzion DCL, Mon 9.8.10, Afternoon

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Shlomit S., Yael S. (reporting)

2:00 pm, Etzion DCL:  this follows our having written and sent messages to Shabak officials. There were three people waiting past 2pm and they told us that four people had been admitted before them. At this stage one of them was summoned (again) for tomorrow at 11:00.

Another Palestinian - from the Hebron area - arrived with his children who waited and waited. Once the father was summoned indoors an uncle was left in-charge.

In the past, we would find some 30 people in the waiting area while the officers would be "at a meeting", without a single soldier around. It would take some 10 minutes for us to call the appropriate authority and get things moving.

Some 20 people arrived there-after, chiefly to renew magnetic cards. Their main interest regarding the Ramadan was: would they be able to attend prayers at the temple mount this year?